The Social Justice Committee invites you to donate lifesaving blood to patients of Children’s Hospital
on Sunday, April 28 from 9:30am to 2:30pm.
St. Matthew's blood drives for Children’s Hospital are in memory of baby Margo, a child from our parish who received treatment and caring attention at the hospital. We are blessed to carry on Margo’s memory by helping other children who are currently receiving treatment.
The blood van will be parked in front of the Cathedral from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Schedule an appointment online or call 202-476-5437.
See Donor eligibility information.
ALL donors:
- Should eat breakfast/lunch prior to blood donation and present photo ID (driver’s license, passport, college/school ID with a picture) at time of donation.
- Should drink at least 16 ounces of water prior to coming to donate.
- Should read eligibility requirements prior to scheduling an appointment (attached).
- Must be free of cold and cold-like symptoms for at the least (3) days prior to donation.
Campana de donación de sangre en memoria de la bebé Margo
El Comité de Justicia Social los invita a donar sangre para ayudar a los pacientes del Hospital de Niños (Children’s) aqui en Domingo, 28 abril de 9:30 a 2:30.
Nuestra parroquia hospeda colectas de sangre para el Hospital de Niños en memoria de la bebé Margo, una niña de nuestra parroquia que recibió tratamiento y cuidado cariñoso del hospital. Somos bendecidos poder guardar la memoria de Margo al ayudar a otros niños quienes actualmente están recibiendo tratamientos.
Para hacer una cita por el internet haga clic aquí o póngase en contacto con Hospital de Niños a 202-476-5437.