Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington's Immigration Legal Services will make a presentation on Immigration Rights on Sunday, March 24 at 3:30pm in the North Conference Room. The information is intended for those directly affected as well as anyone desiring to learn more about immigration issues and how to assist our immigrant brothers and sisters. Topics will include identifying a valid warrant, assisting those in custody, and access to attorneys. View and share the flier at /ccimmigration.
Presenting Organization
Catholic Charities of DC's Immigration Legal Services (ILS) provides direct legal immigration services to foreign-born individuals and their families. Last year, ILS worked with more than 4,400 cases, ranging from consultations to full representation. ILS has represented individuals from more than 135 countries around the world.ILS also focuses on training lawyers to provide pro bono services and educating community groups on the latest immigration issues. For more information on Catholic Charities' work on these issues, visit
Access the North Conference Room from inside the Cathedral or from Rhode Island Avenue. From inside the Cathedral, go through the door to the right of the organ and take the stairs down. At the bottom, walk straight ahead to the North Conference Room (on your left). From Rhode Island Avenue, use the Conference Center door at the bottom of the driveway to the parking garage next to the Cathedral (ring the buzzer). Upon entering, turn right to get to the North Conference Room.