Annual Earth Day Clean-up

Care for Creation Green Team Earth Day Clean-up

Join us Saturday, April 26, 11-1pm.

Celebrate Mother Earth’s new burst of life this spring with some spring cleaning of our river! In this Jubilee Year of renewal and hope, the Creation Care Green Team will again join the annual Earth Day Clean-up sponsored by the Anacostia Watershed Society for the benefit of all living in its watershed and for future generations. This event is a chance for us to care for the environment, reflecting the spirit of renewal and stewardship that the Jubilee calls us to embrace.

We’ll be working at beautiful Kingman Island in Northeast DC, an easy walk from Metro. There is ample parking if you must drive. It’s fun and rewarding to beautify our Mother Earth and get to know each other better. If you have questions, please email Creation Care Team Co-Chairs Phil Downey and Simone Seym.

Registration link and specific site location will be provided soon!