Happy Nothingness: A Retreat Series for Jubilee 2025

Join us Monday, March 24, 7-10pm, in the Cathedral.

Spiritual Teaching and Contemplative Silence
“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” — Mk 6:31

Each session blends free-form contemplative teaching with ample time for silent prayer.

Topics include: letting go as Jesus did, praying beyond thoughts, transforming fear and pain, the nature of faith, the Sermon on the Mount, living in the present moment, the cross as the central Christian practice, the true meaning of the end times, the parables, spiritual living in daily life, love as selflessness and tenderness, allowing God to be God, and exploring mystical nothingness.

The teaching will be no longer than 45 minutes, and sometimes even shorter. Sessions always begin at 7pm.

Following the teaching, the cathedral will remain open for prayer until 10pm. Participants are welcome to leave at any time.

For more information, email the Director of Faith Formation: ljmilone@stmatthewscathedral.org.