Always God's Children Meeting

Always God's Children, the Cathedral ministry to persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual and their friends and family members, will meet on Sunday, at 3:30pm in the West Conference Room.

AGC is a Cathedral ministry that fosters Christian community and spiritual growth among persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, as well as their friends and family members. This occurs primarily through regular meetings for discussion of issues (normally on the second Sunday of each month from September through May at 3:30pm in the West Conference Room), and other activities. It affirms the teaching of the Catechism that all “enjoy an equal dignity” (1934); that persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity” (2358); and that “all Christ’s faithful are called to lead a chaste life in keeping with their particular states of life” (2348). AGC welcomes everyone who is seeking to engage in a respectful dialogue on these subjects, with the goal of deepening their awareness of Christ’s love for them.

For more information, contact Msgr. Jameson at the rectory (202.347.3215 or or click here.