Cathedral Ministries Collaborate
Come to the Cathedral on the afternoon of Sunday, April 21, 2024 to join in St. Matthew’s second celebration of Lessons and Carols for Earth Day. Msgr. Jameson, Cathedral Rector, presides at this 3:30pm service that features the Cathedral Schola Cantorum in cooperation with the St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team.
The service will be livestreamed on the Cathedral YouTube channel.
Lessons & Carols
Through carols, chants and choral music, coupled with meditative readings of poetry and scripture, we call to mind the gifts of creation and explore the current threats to the fragile health of the earth.
Music will include the works of renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, contemporary Scottish composer Chris Hutchings, as well as a French carol, a Welsh hymn, two Shaker tunes, a 9th century Gregorian chant and a 12th century chant of Hildegard of Bingen, all giving us another window into Earth Day themes and the writings of Pope Francis in his letters on the environment, Laudato Si’ (2015 and Laudate Deum (2023).
Come early and spend a few moments enjoying the mosaics of St. Francis and his disciples in the St. Anthony Chapel.
Parking available
The parking garage will be open for this event.
For more information, contact Thomas Stehle, Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Director of Music Ministries.

Update on the Amazon
The celebration of Earth Day 2024 continues on Monday, April 22 with a presentation of the Amazon Rainforest and its peoples by leaders of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM)