Masses for 3rd Sunday of Lent

Masses and Choirs

All Masses are open to the public. Visitors are most welcome! See St. Matthew's updated Covid-19 protocols. For this 3rd Sunday of Lent we enjoy our Cathedral choirs at several Sunday Masses, and a visiting choir from Villanova University at the Saturday Vigil Mass.

  • Masses for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, March 2/3, 2024 | Saturday at 5:30pm Vigil (Villanova Pastoral Musicians of Villanova University) & Sunday at 7am, 9am, 11am (Schola Cantorum) (RCIA Dismissal), 1pm (en español) (Coro Hispano) & 5:30pm (Contemporary Choir)
  • Cathedral Hours | 6:30am - 7pm
  • See our Livestreams page for YouTube and program links. | The Sunday 11am and 1pm (Spanish) Masses are livestreamed on our YouTube channel and shared to our Facebook page

Visiting Choir at Saturday Vigil Mass

The Villanova Pastoral Musicians of Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA will provide choral music and a brief concert on Saturday March 2, 2024 at the 5:30pm Mass.

In addition to assisting us in our Lenten hymns and acclamations, they will sing works of Virgil Thomson, Moses Hogan, Ola Gjielo and Orlando Gibbons. Come early to enjoy their voices before Mass, with a choral piece also following after Mass.

This will be their first return visit since the Covid pandemic when they were last scheduled to sing.

Vía Crucis

El Vía Crucis en español se reza a las 2pm, después de la Misa a la 1pm. / The Stations of the Cross in Spanish are prayed at 2pm, following the 1pm Mass.

Mystical Word

Enjoy our Mystical Word reflection for Sunday, March 3, 2024.

Word & Reflection for the Week

Take Five Weekly, March 3Download