Zoom Conversation in the Spirit

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Prayer, Conversation, Discernment

Pope Francis wants a synodal church, a church that gathers for prayer, listens to each other, and discerns what the Spirit is saying. Thus, the pope and the official Synod invite individual parishes to host “Conversations in the Spirit.” These are opportunities for conversation with fellow parishioners that are rooted in prayer with a view to discerning what the church should do to better preach the Good News of God’s love.

All are invited to any or all Conversations in the Spirit to be held on Mondays of December 2023, with a Zoom session on Wednesday, December 13.


Conversations are held from 7 to 8:30pm.

At each conversation, we will reflect on the same three questions:

  1. How has St. Matthew’s helped you to grow spiritually?
  2. How can our parish better help people to experience God in Jesus?
  3. How can I get more involved in the Cathedral’s mission to bring God to people?

In-person Conversations

Meeting dates are Mondays, December 4, 11 and 18, 2023.

Zoom Conversation

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, the conversation will be on Zoom.

Wednesday, Dec 13, 7pm-8:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 840 8636 5533

Passcode: 891166

Meeting Location

In-person Conversations in the Spirit are held in the Great Hall. Use the Conference Center door at the bottom of the driveway to the parking garage (ring the buzzer) and take the stairs up to the Great Hall.


For more information contact the Facilitator,  L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation.