The Eucharist as our Participation in the Life of the Trinity
“O Sacrament of Love! O sign of Unity! O bond of Charity! He who would have Life finds here indeed a Life to live in and a Life to live by.” (St. Augustine)
Liturgical Ministry DayDownload
This year's Liturgical Ministry Day on Saturday, October 21, 2023, is open to everyone. All are welcome, but we especially hope that current and prospective liturgical ministers (EMCs, lectors, altar servers and hospitality ministers) will attend this morning of reflection, from 9am to 12 Noon.
The day begins with morning prayer in St. Anthony's Chapel, followed by a talk by Fr. Dominic Serra, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, in the North Conference Room.
See the flier for information on the theme and our presenter.
For more information or to reserve a spot, email Tom Stehle or call him at the rectory office at 202-587-5141.