The Cathedral Book Club meets on Thursday, August 24, 2023 in the West Conference Room, 7 - 8pm, to discuss "Jesus and Paul: Parallel Lives," by Irish Dominican FatherJerome Murphy-O'Connor, O.P.
The (2007) book is described as "imaginative interweaving of geographical, cultural, and historical elements into configurations that reveal important parallel trajectories in the lives of ... Jesus, the God-Man, alongside Paul, Man of God and Apostle to the Gentiles."
Father Jerry had been a Professor of New Testament at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem since 1967. Whether writing or lecturing, he was increasingly recognized as a popular Biblical authority, especially on Paul.
The 107- page work promises to be thoughtful summer reading.
Let's get reading so you can join the discussion of "Jesus and Paul: Parallel Lives."