Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, Cathedral Rector, presides at the Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. Join us in the Cathedral for this Good Friday prayer.
Schedule for Good Friday, April 7, 2023
- 8:00am The Cathedral opens.
- 9:00am | Morning Prayer in the St. Anthony Chapel
- 11:00am - 12 Noon | Confessions
- 12 Noon | Reflection on the Lord's Passion, Sr. Sara Fairbanks, OP, PhD (Schola Cantorum)
ADW Livestream | Program - † 1:00pm | Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington
ADW Livestream | Program - 4:00pm | Liturgia de la Pasión de N.S. Jesucristo, Adoración de la Santa Cruz, y Santa Comunión (en español), Most Rev. Juan Esposito-Garcia
ADW Transmisión en vivo | Programa - 7:30pm | Stations of the Cross (in English)
Holy Week & Easter 2023
Semana Santa y Pascua 2023
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