John of the Cross for Lent 2023
Join us on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 for a Book Club discussion of "John of the Cross: The Ascent to Joy," at 7pm in the West Conference Room. This gem of his spiritual writings is introduced and edited by Carmelite Marc Foley. It is well-crafted as Foley leads us step-by-step into the very heart of the spiritual way taught by the saint, sometimes described as the master of Spanish poetry.
Foley has a seasoned reputation for his clarity in what may be considered a John of the Cross 101 presentation, running in paperback some 148 pages.
Note on Advent Book Club Meeting
The last meeting discussion of "The Mystery of the Magi," on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, went well, with several insightful comments about the approach by Dwight Longnecker to put focus on Norther Arabia rather than Persia as the starting point of the wise men.