Season of Creation | Woodland Tree Discovery Walk

St. Matthew's Care for Creation Green Team invites you to celebrate the Season of Creation 2022 (September 1 - October 4, 2022) via Zoom, touching on all Seven Laudato Si’ Goals.

View event flier

Discovery Walk 

On Saturday, September 24, 2022, join the Creation Care Green Team on Zoom for a Woodland Tree Discovery Walk (details below).

Join us for a tour of this marvelous collection of trees, some of which are Montgomery County Champions. A quote from Laudato Si’ will be read after each stop and provide an opportunity for group reflection and praise of our Good Lord’s Creation as we hike. This peaceful 40-acre oasis, the seat of the Audubon Naturalist Society, invites us to enjoy the serenity of meandering woodland trails. We will also have the opportunity to learn about sustainable gardening at the native plant garden. The Audubon Naturalist Shop, that is housed in the historic Georgian mansion, is a gem for bird lovers and all purchases support ANS environmental education and conservation programs.

Optional bike ride at 8:45am

Phil will lead interested cyclists on a one-hour zero-carbon journey from St. Matthew’s to Woodend. The route is primarily along Beach Drive, which is closed to cars north of Blagden Ave. Location: Woodend Sanctuary is at 8940 Jones Mill Road in Chevy Chase, MD 20815 If you plan to attend, please email Phil Downey and Simone Seym If you are interested in the bike ride, want to offer car sharing or need one, please include this in your email.

24 September, 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Woodland Tree Discovery Walk with Laudato si’ Stations with live broadcasting ZOOM:
all in by phone: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 882 6032 4124

Full Schedule of Season of Creation Events

Click here or on the image above to view the full schedule of events in a PDF file with event links.

Sustainable Living Tips

Find a new tip on sustainable living each day of the Season of Creation, courtesy of St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team.