Cathedral Book Club: "Mystery of the Magi"

Mark the date for the next meeting of the St. Matthew's Cathedral Book Club. We will discuss "Mystery of the Magi: The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men," by Dwight Longenecker.  It will take place  Wednesday,  December 14, 2022 from 7 to 9pm, in the West Conference Room. 

This Advent reading will focus on the presentation in Matthew's gospel of the story of the Magi from the East, the Star they followed, and their visit to Bethlehem. Whether this is poetic fancy rather than a real happening is a question that has led some not to take the tale seriously. The author pieces together recent explanations suggesting that the three came from the north of Arabia, from the court of the Nabatean ruler at Petra. Matthew's presentation, the Gospel of upcoming Epiphany Sunday, is examined from the viewpoint that it actually occurred.

Fr Jack Hurley writes that those who passed up the October discussion of "The Use and Abuse of the Bible," by Benedictine scripture scholar Henry Wansbrough missed some fine observations on the commentators from Jesus, Jerome and others. 

Hope you can make it on December 14, the feast day of St. John of the Cross!