The Social Justice Committee invites you to participate in the “Summer in the City” Food Drive organized by the John S. Mulholland Family Foundation. The Foundation, which serves low-income individuals and families of the District of Columbia, will ensure that your gifts are distributed to those in need at St. Thomas More, St. Francis Xavier, Holy Name of Jesus, and other pantries. Your donations of non-perishable food items will be gratefully accepted at all Masses on August 27/28, 2022 until the Sunday 5pm pick-up time. Please limit your donations to the following food items and please no glass containers.
Questions? Email or call the rectory at (202) 347-3215.
Most Needed Items
- Canned Tuna or Chicken
- Dry Cereal (Cheerios, Bran Flakes)
- Canned Vegetables (Green Beans, Peas, Corn)
- Soup (Hearty Varieties are best)
- Canned Fruit, any kind
- Peanut Butter and Jelly (plastic containers)
- Baked Beans (cans) & Rice (any size)
- Pasta and Pasta Sauce (plastic containers)