“In the life of individuals and of communities, celebrations of the word of God are an effective way to nurture their spirit and spiritual life, to foster a more intense love of God’s word, and to ensure richer results from celebrations of the eucharist and the other sacraments.” (Ceremonial of Bishops, no. 222)
Join us Thursday evenings at 7pm in the East Conference Room for a very simple liturgy: readings, a homily by Fr. John Benson, and prayers. All are welcome to come – no sign-ups or materials needed. Just come and listen.
The Word of God is not just a nice story about something that happened a long time ago – it is our story. It is a living Word. It touches our lives, and we find ourselves within it.We gather on Thursday evenings
Coordinators: Robert Torres and Fr. John Benson (202-347-3215 x536)