Holy Week & Easter 2022
Semana Santa y Pascua 2022
Cathedral Schedule for Good Friday, April 15, 2022
- 8:00am The Cathedral opens.
- 9:00am | Morning Prayer in the St. Anthony Chapel
- 11:00am - 12 Noon | Confessions
- Noon | Reflection on the Lord's Passion, Rev. Travis Russell, SJ (Schola Cantorum)
- † 1:00pm | Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington (Schola Cantorum)
Archdiocese of Washington YouTube | Program | Readings - 4:00pm | Liturgia de la Pasión de N.S. Jesucristo, Adoración de la Santa Cruz, Y Santa Comunión, Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
Catedral YouTube | Programa | Lecturas - 7:30pm | Stations of the Cross (in English) (The Cathedral closes immediately after Stations.)
† - Interpreted for the Deaf