Adopt-a-Family Christmas Donations Deadline

We are happy to report that all items on our 2011 Giving Tree have been taken by donors, and we are now receiving the unwrapped gift item at the rectory.  You can also bring your unwrapped gift to Mass next weekend, December 10-11, where volunteers will be at the Cathedral entrance to receive them. 

You also may make a financial contribution to the Adopt-a-Family Christmas programs of any amount. Checks are welcome! Please write checks to St. Matthew’s Cathedral (add “Adopt-A-Family” in the note line) and put your donation in an envelope clearly marked Adopt-A-Family Christmas. Envelopes are available in the back of the Cathedral.

We would like to receive all gifts and financial contributions by December 12 to allow time for shopping before Christmas. Any donations that we receive above what is needed for Christmas will be used to assist the families with grocery gift cards and other emergency assistance during the year.

For more information, please contact Fr. Evelio or Jillian McMahon at

 What would Christmas be without your help?