The Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday)
Join us on Sunday, April 4 for Mass for the Resurrection of the Lord (Mass schedule below). Note that the schedule differs from our regular Sunday schedule. We welcome Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, as the 9am Mass celebrant. On Easter Sunday, the Cathedral opens 45 minutes before each Mass and closes immediately after each Mass. The Cathedral has a 150-person maximum capacity; reservations are not taken.
- 7:00am (English)
- † 9:00am (English),Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington (Schola quartet and organ)
Cathedral YouTube | Program | Readings - 11:30am (English) (Schola quartet and organ)
- 1:30pm (en español) (cuarteto y cantor)
Catedral YouTube | Programa | Lecturas - 5:30pm (English) (cantor)
Note: Penn Parking Garage remains open til 3:30pm.
El garaje de Penn Parking permanece abierto hasta las 3:30pm.
† Interpreted for the deaf
Watch the 9:00am Easter Sunday Mass livestream on the Cathedral YouTube channel. Ver la transmisión en vivo de la Misa de la 1:30pm en el canal de YouTube de la Catedral (Cathedral YouTube channel).
Find daily reflections & links to Mass readings for April 4 - 11.