No Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Cardinal Gregory celebrates the Cathedral's 10am Mass for Mary, the Holy Mother of God on Friday, January 1, and Fr. Benson celebrates a Spanish Mass at 1pm. Both Masses are open to all, up to our 150-person maximum. The Cathedral opens at 9am and closes immediately after each Mass. The rectory office is closed for the New Year's Day holiday.
10am Mass (In-person & livestreamed)
Cardinal Gregory, celebrant
ADW YouTube | Program | Readings
1pm Mass (Spanish; In-person, no livestream)
Fr. Benson, celebrant
If you call the rectory office on January 1, please leave a voice mail message as the rectory office is not staffed on the holiday. Normally, phone calls to the rectory office are answered between 10am and 3pm Monday through Friday each week.
Prayers for a blessed, peace-filled, and prosperous New Year for all,
from Msgr. Jameson on behalf of the Cathedral Parish Clergy and Staff!