You are welcome to join the Social Justice Committee for a Zoom meeting on Monday, July 27 at 7pm to discuss follow-up plans after our March 2020 Advocacy Retreat.
The Social Justice Committee hosted an advocacy retreat on March 7 with 37 attendees. When we ended, the group agreed to reconvene with the objective of adopting specific advocacy plans in four focus areas: homelessness and housing, creation care, respect life and immigrants/refugees. Shortly thereafter, the Cathedral closed due to COVID-19 and group activities were suspended.
The committee invites all retreat attendees and new participants to join us for a Zoom meeting this Monday evening, as we look ahead at how we can put our faith into action for the vulnerable among us and consider potential advocacy actions as a racial justice issue.
To join, email Phil Downey, Norma Canedo or Fr. John Benson.