Accessibility Statement
This statement on accessibility has been created to demonstrate the commitment of the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle in Washington, D.C. (“the Cathedral”) to make its website accessible to all visitors.
The site is designed to be usable regardless of the browsing device or software used, including those where scripting or cascading style sheets are unavailable or disabled.
- Universal site navigation is provided at the top and the bottom of every page. Each page on the site is directly hyperlinked from at least one other, and indexed in the onsite search engine.
- Text size and color can be adjusted by the visitor; font sizes for body text are all relative. Text has been tested for adequate luminosity contrast.
- Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out whenever possible.
- Links are written contextually. The authors endeavor not to repeat link text on any page.
- All content images are provided with alternative text. Purely decorative images are provided with null alt text.
This site has passed automated testing for Section 508 compliance, but has not received official certification to any standard.