Arrange a Mass Intention
To arrange a Mass intention, visit or call the rectory office (202-347-3215) and speak to our receptionist. The office is open from 9am to 4pm seven days a week, except each day between 1 and 1:30pm, or as otherwise announced.
There is no fee for Mass intentions but an offering of $5 – $10 is customary for each intention. You may receive a Mass card for each intention in which you can write the date and time of the Mass. Mass cards will be mailed to you upon request.
At St. Matthew’s, it is not our policy to announce at Mass the name of the person who is being remembered with a particular Mass intention. Occasionally we receive requests to have the name mentioned if, for example, members of the family will be in attendance at the Mass. We will do our best to arrange for the fulfillment of such requests, if possible.